“We’re in a living in a concrete jungle, away from the goodness of nature. So when the government takes up forest land to construct more buildings, we don’t care. But we need to understand that it’s all a cycle. If nature is going to get affected, so are we. Development isn’t cutting down trees and creating infrastructure. From Aarey to our very own Nalamalla forests, we’re losing every large green patch that exists in the country. For us humans, animals and forests don’t seem as important anymore. We fail to understand that forests play a major role in our development. Mining to extract non-renewable resources is going to last only for a few years. We can see an example in the form of Kerala, where forests were compromised for commercial plantation. Just a couple of years later, it was a victim of extreme floods. Our mountains and trees are protective shields. Without them we don’t stand a chance of survival. They are our sources of food, shelter, water and air! Why are we compromising our basic needs over meaningless money and materialistic future, which might even cease to exist?
The delusion that environmental pollution and degradation won’t affect any of us is what needs to change. It will and when it does, it’ll be too late to do anything. It takes years for trees to grow and forests to be created. But burning them down hardly takes a day. It’s too late already. We need to stand up. Each one of us needs to be an environmentalist, in the context of taking a stand to protect Mother Earth. Don’t we want our children to have a happy world like our previous generations did?”