“Six years back, my daughter, who was 16 years old then, helped me make the biggest decision of my life. She said it’s time that I walk out of the toxic marriage I was in, because we wanted to lead a life where we were happy. Ever since, it has been us against the world.
I used to work in the corporate industry before I quit due to family responsibilities. Since then, I have been a housewife. Walking out of the marriage was a tough decision because I didn’t have a job in hand and my daughter and I had to compromise on our lifestyle. I remember her saying, “It’s okay, we are strong. We will figure a way out of this.” The one thing I learnt from my daughter is strength. I am a Punjabi and I love getting dressed up. One day, when I went shopping, I realised I wasn’t fitting into the size I usually wear and that made me upset. That was when my journey with fitness began. I exercised and ended up dropping a few kilos when I realised that losing weight wasn’t making me feel healthy. I then started diving into nutrition and diets. I researched and researched. I got certified as a personal trainer as well as nutritionist. I started lifting weights, heavy ones at that, when I was 37 years old. I felt stronger, confident and great about myself. My ride with fitness started late in my life, but I have turned my passion into my profession and built my career around it from scratch. I have a strong online community of 30,000 people globally who I aim to inspire every single day. My life changed the day I realised that this knowledge that I have gained can reach a huge number of people from across the world. Yes, there were days when I used to get stressed out because when so many people look up to you, it becomes a necessity to fit into a certain size to be considered acceptable. But, overtime I realised that there are only three things that matter and they are loving my body, loving myself and taking care of my mental health!
Take charge of your health, your emotions and your life. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. When I have come from being a housewife, to becoming a nutritionist, corporate fitness coach and an author, when I can change my life drastically and achieve all the things that I have, then honestly, anyone can. It is all a matter of will and focus. And obviously, a support system, which to me, was my daughter.”
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