“I wake up early every day and head out to work in the making of these special mud pots called Ranjans. These are exclusively handcrafted in our Adilabad region. It is not an easy process to make Ranjans as it requires us to move and bend along in rounds while making them. It’s not the most glamorous job in the world, but it’s honest work and I take pride in it. I’ve been doing this job for over 29 years now, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
These Ranjans are used for storing water for drinking purposes. It gives a cooling effect to the water just like chilled refrigerated water. We are solely dependent on this craft and do not have much to do in the other seasons. I needn’t say how we survive when there’s no favorable weather and sales.

Our kids, who although are aware of this craft, do not want to practice it for a living. We have been working to provide the best education to them. We only hope something happens but none of it has materialized yet. Our craft might soon disappear because of the lack of sales and support. We are not prepared for the change, but we don’t have a choice.”