“I was in college, pursuing my law course, BA.LLB in Noida, when I first noticed a swelling on the right side of my neck. Months later, with the swelling persisting, I underwent a biopsy in 2013 and was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – a cancer of the lymphatic system, part of the immune system. I found out that I was in the 3rd stage of cancer at that time. Cancer was new to me, for my family, and for everyone I knew. I was reluctant to take chemo for 2 reasons. The first was to finish my studies and the second was obviously, Chemotherapy and its effects. By the time I completed my Graduation, the cancer went into the last stage. During this period I was on an alternate treatment of Cancer.
In April 2014, I shifted to Bangalore to pursue my MBA, but right after 2 months, I figured out that cancer has reached my bone marrow as well.
I shifted to Hyderabad in June and started my treatment which was 12 ABVD chemo-therapies from Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital under the guidance of the Oncologist Dr. Senthill Rajappa.
The treatment journey was not easy but I have to admit that it wasn’t tough either. It is the family support and a bit of self-determination which takes you through.

In 2015, I started Yoga followed by working out at the gym to get my immunity back and finally, in 2016 I started looking for a job for myself. But the recruiters refused to accept my medical history stating that I won’t be able to handle the work pressure. This was the turning point of my life because I was surprised to hear this from recruiters. I decided to hold my Job search for some time. I wanted to break this taboo related to Cancer and Chemotherapy.

People still believe that after chemotherapy the person cannot get back to his normal life. So, on 31st March 2016, I decided to do a solo ride across India for cancer awareness. It took me a month to arrange my finances. I had no one backing me up except my family and 5 friends.

A lot of money was already spent on my treatment. But seeing my willingness to do this my family stood again for me. On 1st May I started my campaign ‘Ride of Hope’ from Raipur, Chattisgarh. I headed towards Nagpur followed by Pune and then rode towards the whole South heading towards North. Within 5 months I traveled 20000 Km traveling 15 states visiting all Cancer Institutes, schools, and offices. During these visits, I shared my cancer journey experience and the dos and don’ts during and after cancer is cured.

Now I counsel cancer patients and have a group called ‘Riders of Hope’ where if anyone has blood requirements anywhere in India, we arrange it at the earliest for free. I run marathons for all kinds of awareness and volunteer at social events as well. I just completed my 5 years of remission. I wish to complete the remaining 14 states of my campaign and take this campaign beyond our country’s borders as well.

I am also the founder of Harteij Cancer Foundation and my aim is to help people understand the value of early diagnosis of cancer. We can’t eradicate cancer immediately but we can surely create more awareness about it and slowly we will be able to see a Cancer free world.

I would like you to support me in this venture and help me reach more people who are either undergoing this treatment or are prone to have this disease. Even after the treatment is over, we have a bigger issue to handle and that is to overcome the after-effects of the treatment. I want to create this network of Cancer Conquerors who will reach out to every single person who is somehow related to this disease and create a better place and afterlife for Cancer Patients.
Let’s make fighting Cancer Cool!”