“I’m sorry that I haven’t been listening to you, that I’ve been suppressing you and hating on you whereas, I should’ve been loving you.
This is my story of love – love for myself.
Just before 2019 began, I did not like who or what I was. I was in the 4th year of Architecture then and although I did love architecture, there was something there that never fit. I was constantly called fat and ugly by the people around me. I was in a phase where everything just went downhill and my confidence had hit rock bottom. So, on New Year’s eve 2019, I decided to make a difference in my life, for myself.
I pushed the toxic people out of my life, kept a constant check on my anxiety and guess what! I started preparing for business school. 2019 was the year of change, love and happiness. I took care of myself like never before. I sat with myself for half an hour, everyday and eventually, I started enjoying my own company. When I told my parents what I was going through, they held my hand and said it’ll be alright. The one major thing I wanted to do was lose weight. Although my physical weight hasn’t changed much, my mental load is almost non-existent today. My mental health is in a much better state now and consequently, I am in a much better place now. Self love to me, didn’t come easy, because it’s a painfully slow process. But believe me, it will happen. And when it does, you will feel it echo through your body and your skin will feel like it’s your own. You will embrace yourself entirely.
Although I have my low days, they have now become a comparatively rare sight. I faced my fears this year and performed poetry in front of an audience. It was exhilarating. And, dare I say, I was happy. I am happy.
Happy New Year, everyone!”
#HappyNewYear #HappyNewYear2020 #Positive #Happiness #Health #MentalHealth #SelfLove #Motivation #Inspire #Friends #Restart #Believe #Empower #Resolution #Poetry #Hyderabad #HumansofHyderabad