“On some days, I fight with him, and on other days, he fights with me. But at the end of each day, we always care for each other. It’s that love and trust that keeps us moving forward. Yes, we face our share of problems in life, but they never stop us from pushing ahead.
Before our marriage, we were family friends but not very close. I never imagined we would get along so well, but deep down, we knew we liked each other. We’ve been married for 51 years now.
Both of us were farmers. We own 2 acres of agricultural land in our village. During the off-season, we decided to start a small business together. When the monsoons arrive, we sell roasted corn, and for the rest of the year, we go back to farming.
Monsoon is our favorite time. The rain brings a sense of renewal to our hearts. We enjoy roasting corn during this season, and people love buying it from us.
By God’s grace, we’re able to make ends meet. Everything in our lives and business is fifty-fifty. There’s no ‘he’ or ‘me.’ It’s always ‘we.’ Every small profit is a blessing for us.”