“In the year 2007, I accidentally drank acid thinking it was water. Immediately I was rushed to the nearest nursing home where they were not ready to admit me before the police complaint. Later a senior doctor intervened and told the management nobody drinks acid if they wanted to commit suicide. Then they admitted me and started the initial treatment. After a week, they did Endoscopy where they got to know that from my mouth to my intestine, everything was burnt. They couldn’t help being told to take me home or to any other multi-specialty hospitals. That day, one of our family friends came to see me and told my history to a doctor. He referred us to meet a Gastroenterologist by the name of Dr. Sanjay Govil who was my life-saver. He took my case as a challenge and performed the operation which took around 11 hours. Later I was shifted to ICU and recovered from the danger a couple of weeks later with smaller complications. I underwent two more operations in the years 2008 and 2010 before reaching back to optimal health. However, I looked very skinny and unhealthy and was dependent on my parents and friends for everything. I couldn’t go out feeling inferior. One day I was alone with too many negative thoughts running in my mind about what’s next if I continue to be like this. That day I decided I should change. I started going out, joined college, started with good nutrition adapting to a healthy active lifestyle, and positive thoughts. Back then I was 34 kilos, lean and skinny. Later with persistent efforts on my health and nutrition, I gained 34 kilos and now I am 68 kilos, fit and healthy.
Now I am a Wellness consultant where I train people on weight and health management.
Traveling is my passion. I have traveled to 21 states and 3 Union territories in India and 13 countries abroad. I have done Scuba diving, biking, and Paramotoring along with a few other Adventure sports. I completed a Half marathon and Duathlon and practiced for a full marathon and triathlon. I got married in 2021. I have a beautiful and supportive wife, Meghana.
I still have many things to do on my bucket list; to explore the world and coach many people to Stay Fit and Healthy.”