“I was four when I learnt that I had a skin disorder called psoriasis. It is caused due to vitamin deficiency and high stress levels. I was the first one in the family to have it, and that meant nobody knew how to deal with it. However, they tried to be extremely supportive and understanding. But I spent a lot more time in school and for a kid, that’s where you need to be loved. During that time, I wasn’t very aware of my problem but I knew something was wrong. Parents would ask their kids to not touch me. Some of the students would say I had chicken pox and I shouldn’t come to school. I didn’t have sensitive folks in my surroundings. You know what I called myself back then? A flaky little monster. At 22, I remember how a medicine gave a wrong reaction that led to increase the spread of psoriasis to 70% on my body. That was around the time when I was working at an MNC. I was building up all my confidence and things came trembling down. I couldn’t concentrate on anything as the pain was intense. I restarted solo travelling, doodling and poetry. It was my way of coping up. And yes, healing was super quick.
It took a lot of time for me to understand that beauty is not what society says it is. Somewhere you need to make peace with yourself. I looked at my skin and asked myself? “Can anyone else have this universe on their body, just look at those galaxies! Aren’t they beautiful?” “Look at those cheetah patterns, roar women! Roar” That’s when I became confident and strong. I also understood that many don’t know what psoriasis is and how it needs to be dealt with. Many of us don’t understand sensitivity or how to talk to people who are going through something. Today, when people walk up to me and say something about my skin, I try to stay calm and educate them about the disorder. I love what I look like and nobody can make me feel any less beautiful.”
#Psoriasis #BreakingtheBarriers #Stereotypes #Skinshaming #selflove #Responsibility #Skin #Paoriasisawareness #stopbullying #Empower #Support #bodypositive #Society #Strength #Standup #Hyderabad #HumansofHyderabad